Friday, November 14, 2008

IBWIP Podcast, Alabama, and Seven Signs Site

Today the highly popular podcast "It Burns When I Pee" (IBWIP) will be dedicated to the Reinstate Hank campaign, Metal Farm Magazine and will have interviews from the Metal Farm Release Party in Cincinnati with Keith Neltner, Randy Bake, Sarah Luegers, and myself. It will also be featuring music from one of my favorite bands The Kentucky Struts who performed at the Release Party. A special thanks to Blake Clayton and his crew for coming down from Illinois just for the party and letting us be a part of his program. If you are into country music, but NOT "corporate" country music, check out his program, a lot of great bands are always on there mixed in with old country that he pays tribute to. It's a great program.
The full website for Seven Signs will be up and running in the morning. The site looks great and I must thank Adam Martin for all his hard work on the site. If you want to see more of Adam's work you can visit his website:
Alabama was a great trip. We stopped in Manchester TN on the way down and spent the day with Mr. Charlie Louvin who was nothing short of a true Hillbilly gentleman and we appreciate his, and his wife's time and hospitality at their beautiful home. It was great to actually visit Montgomery and see the place where Hank Williams legacy began. We interviewed Driftin' Cowboys RD Norred and Braxton Schuffert, The Hank Williams Museum manager Beth Petty, and Joey Allcorn. The trip was very surreal and thanks goes out to all these folks for talking with us and being a part of our project. An extra special thanks goes to Joey Allcorn and Lauryn for taking time out to show us around and letting us stay with them. I also want to thank Keith Neltner, as always being there on everything and also Roman Titus for going along and taking stills of trip. His photography on the trip is a huge addition to the overall project. You can checkout some of Roman's work here:
Download the IBWIP podcast NOW, check out the Seven Signs site in the morning, and check out some of the links below to see some of the things we were around.

IBWIP Podcast - (cast) and (site)
Keith Neltner -
Roman Titus -
Joey Allcorn -
Hank Williams Museum -
Charlie Louvin -

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